Keeping the faith since 1890
St. Philip's Financial Literacy April Program
Registration Ends April 5, 2021
1. Money Matters: Thursday April 8th
List the steps for setting financial goals
Track daily spending habits
Prepare a personal spending plan to estimate monthly income and expenses
Identify ways to decrease spending
Identify ways to increase income
Identify spending plan tools that will help you manage your bills
2. Budgeting: Part 2 (Money Matters) Thursday April 15th
Prepare a budget to estimate monthly income and expenses
3. To Your Credit: Thursday April 22nd
Define credit
Explain why credit is important
Describe the purpose of a credit report and how it is used
Order a copy of your credit report
Read and analyze your credit report
Differentiate between good and bad credit
Describe the implications of good and bad credit scores
Identify ways to build and repair your credit history
Recognize how to correct errors on your credit report
Recognize how to guard against identity theft
4. Financial Recovery : Thursday April 29th
Investments and homeowners
Messages from Church Secretary
Things change all the time -- Please call before coming to the Church.
While Pastor Tillman is recovering from his surgery, let's continue to keep him in prayer and that he rests for perfect healing.
Please contact the church secretary (410-732-8070) or President Todd (410-615-0378) with any issues you may have.
If you have any additions or corrections for the bulletins or other communications, send them to me at or call the church at 410-732-8070.
Please leave a message if I am away from my desk.
All announcements for the Bulletin should be sent to the church by noon on Tuesday.
Messages from Pastor Tillman, IV
Great News!!! - Please check out the first time St. Philip's has ever been featured in the ELCA Living Lutheran Magazine. The article can be found here.
"It's in our Spirit" by Karris Golden. ELCA's Oldest African Descent Congregation Serve Community in Unprecedented Ways
Please continue to look for high-resolution photos of our historical moments at St. Philip's. This will help us with a major publication and a future grant that we are working on. Please contact the church to submit any photos.
If you need any COVID-19 preventative materials (hand sanitizer and face masks), please call and make an appointment to pick up your order accordingly. Kits can be picked up Monday through Thursday, between 9:30am & 1pm.
If you would like to share any prayer requests or urgent health concerns with the Pastor and/or congregation, please contact the church office via email or phone call.
Stay blessed!
To Our Church Volunteers—
From the Intergenerational Ministry:
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10 NKJVM
St. Philip's Evangelism and Social Ministry
Message from: Rev. Susan Beck, Community of St. Dysmas
Thank you to St. Philip's for your faithful letter writing. The notes are a lifeline for our incarcerated friends.
Message from our neighbor
First Baptist Church at 525 N. Caroline St.
JHU Food Access Program:
The Program has restarted. Distribution days are on Wednesdays beginning at 12:30
The food being distributed will be similar to what has been given out.
Additional Food Delivery & Distribution:
Eager Park Neighborhood Association, Inc. (EPNA) Around Eager Park
Alan Reyes is the organizer for this effort to deliver weekly food boxes.
Weekly Delivery Distribution: You MUST call and give him your delivery information. Leave a message if he is not available at the time of your call.
Alan Reyes contact information: Email: & Phone: 443-744-9473
Giving Glory and Honor to God!
Need Food Assistance:
Baltimore City is Delivering Grocery Boxes
Who Qualifies:
Currently have no food at home or will run out before you can buy more
Can’t afford paid meal or grocery delivery
Are experiencing financial, social or medical hardships due to COVID-19
Have someone at home who is able to prepare food
What should qualifying household expect:
Will receive a grocery box with enough non-perishable food for 1-2 weeks depending on household size
Will receive a box within 3-4 days of ordering
To see if you qualify:
Adults 60 and older: call 410-396-2273
Resident 59 and younger: call 2-1-1